Oral History Online Workshop: Dr. Sharon Kangisser-Cohen in a Conversation with Dr. Eva Fogelman on "Echoes of Children’s Survival: Unveiling the Kestenberg Archive Online" Thu, 18/04/202417:00
Oral History Online Workshop: Anita Haviv-Horiner will lecture on "What’s New in Europe? – Israelis Look at Antisemitism Today" Thu, 22/02/202417:00
Oral History Online Workshop: Galit Zvi on "The interviewer as Detective Hat: the Second-Generation of Holocaust Survivors in an Oral History Project" (Hebrew) Thu, 18/01/202417:00
Dr. Emma Zohar in Conversation with Dr. Jakub Gałęziowski on "The Peculiarities of Oral History (in Poland)" Thu, 21/12/202317:00
Online Workshop of The Oral History Division: Dr. Jan Tubitz on "From listening to text-mining algorithms: How can oral histories of the Holocaust be analyzed?" Thu, 22/06/202317:00
Online Workshop of The Oral History Division: Dr. Jan Tubitz on "From listening to text-mining algorithms: How can oral histories of the Holocaust be analyzed?" Thu, 22/06/202317:00
Online Workshop of The Oral History Division: Dr. Eldad Ben- Aharon (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt) Thu, 18/05/202317:00
Encounters: Aftermath - A Conversation with Adel Manna on his "Nakba and Survival" Thu, 20/04/202320:00
Online Workshop of The Oral History Division: Pro. Henry Green on "Sephardi Voices: Navigating Tensions in Oral History Methodology" Thu, 20/04/202317:00