Roi Irani

 Roi  Irani
PhD Candidate

Roi Irani is a Research Student in the Department of History and a recipient of the President of the University Stipendium Program. Currently, he is conducting research for his Ph.D. dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Moshe Sluhovosky and Prof. Abigail Jacobson, focusing on the sexualities of urban Jews in Israel during the 1950s and 1960s. Roi Irani is a research student in the Department of History. His M.A. Thesis under the supervision of Prof. Moshe Sluhovsky focused on sexuality of young males in the big cities of Israel during its first two decades. Irani completed his M.A. in the Department of History and in the Lafer Center for Women and Gender Studies as a member of the M.A. Honors Program at the Mandel School. He completed his B.A. in the School of History Excellence Program and the Amirim Excellence Program in Humanities.

Apart from his academic position, Irani also works as a tour guide abroad and a history class teacher at the bilingual school in Jaffa.