Dr. Rachel Neve-Midbar

Rachel  Neve-Midbar
Visiting Scholar

Poet, essayist, translator and Fulbright Scholar, Rachel Neve-Midbar’s poetry collection Salaam of Birds was chosen by Dorothy Barresi for the Patricia Bibby First Book Prize and was published by Tebot Bach in January 2020. She is also the author of the chapbook, What the Light Reveals (Tebot Bach, 2014, winner of The Clockwork Prize). Rachel’s work has appeared in Blackbird, Prairie Schooner, Grist and Georgia Review as well as other publications and anthologies. Her awards include the Crab Orchard Review Richard Peterson Prize, and nominations for The Pushcart Prize. Rachel is a newly-minted PhD from The University of Southern California, where her research concerned menstruation in contemporary poetry. She is currently a Fulbright Post Doc in Israel translating the poems of Holocaust poet Abba Kovner. She is also the editor of the anthology Stained: a creative anthology of writing about menstruation (Querencia Press, July 2023). More at rachelnevemidbar.com